Technical lexicon
Accessories for connecting the meter and pipe with a hose.
Simple connection with plug-in coupling on the measuring device and adapter.
Use of a device by using the battery (usually built-in energy storage).
Big advantage over steel tools: they are only half as heavy.
Easy on the back and low weight during transportation.
After the pressure build-up in a pipe system, a stabilization time must be waited for.
The actual test then begins.
According to TRGI 2018, the adjustment time is part of the test.
The duration of the adjustment time for the leak test of gas pipes depends on the volume
The execution check is a visual check to ensure that all installation rules have been applied correctly.
Clean, even cutting of metal sheets at the eaves with one cut.
The notching tool is a manual tool for quickly creating (notching) of a clean eaves finish for angled and double standing seams.
A pipe that is depressurized for work to be carried out is referred to as being out of service.
Avoidance of errors during testing thanks to the automatic test sequence. All test parameters are preset.
The test runs automatically and stops after the specified test time.
In physics and technology, bar is the unit for pressure, i.e. how much weight is applied to a part.
baros (Greek) ≙ weight
During the load test, the material is checked for strength and the connections for durability.
This is done before plastering or covering the gas pipes.
The newly laid pipe without fittings and without gas appliances (shut-off valves may also be tested if they can withstand the test pressure and are open during the test, PN 1) is subjected to a test pressure of 1 bar.
The test medium is air or an inert gas (inert gas). No pressure drop must be detected during the test duration of at least 10 minutes.
Temperature compensation is not required, but is useful.
The resolution of the test device is at least 0.1 bar.
The test pressure is 1 bar (1000 hPa).
During the test, it is recommended that the pipe be tapped and the joints lightly tapped. Leaks must not be visible.
See reference operating pressure
Bending machines are used to bend sheet metal in several work steps on the construction site.
RAU bending machines are available in working widths of 300, 500 and 1000 mm and a working depth of 50 to 500 mm.
Bending sheet metal into shape and adapting it to structural conditions.
This requires different tools for bending and folding.
A bending device for folding to a fixed height of 40 and 50 mm.
It is used for non-profiled sheet metal panels as preparatory work for double folding.
Gas tester with hydrostatic pressure column, water column measuring device with test tube and scale for reading the pressure.
These test devices are mostly used in the low-pressure range with operating pressures of up to 100 hPa.
A rebate profile with clip relief provides free space for the adhesive foot in the surface, in the profile, no scraping and rubbing of the shares on the hook, nail or screw head, stiffening of the shares through additional edges, unhindered absorption of transverse expansion.
The gas leak test in accordance with TRGI 2018 G600 is carried out with a test pressure of 150 hPa, volume-related adjustment time and test time.
The purpose is to visualize the finest leaks.
Pipelines with fittings (gas appliances and control and safety devices are not tested!) are tested. No pressure drop or pressure increase must be detectable on the measuring device. Implementation for newly laid gas pipes, for pipes that are no longer used as gas pipes for their intended purpose and in the long term, and for pipes that have been taken out of service (depressurized for work to be carried out).
The leak test on drinking water installations can be carried out with compressed air, inert gas or water.
- Implementation with air if:
- Longer downtime from the leak test to commissioning
- due to a frost period
- Implementation with water:
- a water exchange is ensured at regular intervals, at the latest after 2 days, from the time of the leak test until commissioning
- House or construction water connection is flushed and approved for operation
- the filling has hygienically flawless components
See test pad
With pre-profiled sheet metal panels, the angle seam can be closed to form an angle double seam (double seam) in a single operation.
For smaller roof areas and corners, the sheet metal panels are folded up to an installation height of 40 or 50 mm and rebated.
The measuring device displays the pressure present in the pipe system.
It is usually displayed in bar.
See load test
See pump
Digital transmission of pressure to the measuring device.
By providing proof of DVGW certification, the manufacturer voluntarily demonstrates that it complies with the recognized rules of technology and shows that the product is suitable for the intended use.
Are used when processing stainless steel sheets to prevent extraneous rust caused by corrosion and thus stains.
Electronic measuring devices are all non-hydrostatic (water column) measuring devices whose pressure sensor is a pressure sensor.
The display accuracy is at least 0.1 hPa.
Saving the measurement results, on-site printout and data management are just some of the advantages compared to water column measuring devices.