the measurement as a video
Video on leak testing with the DPG07
In this video, Mr. Rau shows you the individual steps of the leak test with the RAU DPG07 TOUCH pressure tester.
Step by step
How the measurement is carried out
- Enter object / customer and inspector
- Menu:“Check gas pipe” and tap“Leak test 150HPA“
- Mounting threaded test pieces
- Connect Y-hose and test hose to DPG07
- Select system size on the display (under 100L | 100-200L | over 200L)
- Automatic measurement sequence starts:
- Test pressure of 150 hPa is applied
- 10 minutes fitting time
- 10 minutes test time
- Measuring device beeps and test report is printed out automatically, measurement result is saved on the SD card
Note: The load test is carried out before the leak test.